Saturday, February 13, 2010

Imperial International Older Flatware The Truth On Tibet And Your Opinion?

The Truth on Tibet and your opinion? - imperial international older flatware

Western society has accused the People's Republic of China on the basis of this whole issue of Tibet. People always say how the Tibetans have no rights and that under the rule of the Dalai Lama, was peaceful. Well, no.

First, Tibet was under Chinese ownership rights of the Yuan Dynasty, the Republic of China. So basically never Republic Republic of China (PRC invaded) Tibet as part of China. Furthermore, international legal understanding of the cause of the Dalai Lama, is difficult to argue that Tibet ever technically established its independence from the Chinese Empire, imperial or republican.

Second, the government of Tibet under the Dalai Lama himself is a human rights violator. The old Tibetan society was a burden. M95% or Tibetans were enslaved by the Dalai Lama and his officials. Serfs goes without an education or care ... a bond lifetime of work without pay to torture and mutilation as a rising eyes


Zorcan from Antares said...


rhsaunde... said...

The Chinese are in Tibet, not suitable as they do in India. If I were a Tibetan, Chinese who assembled outside his home in a plastic bag. And the idea that Tibet is a part of China itself absurd.

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